Sexy Hollywood hunk Eddie Cibrian shirtless in Take Two

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I have to admit that I spent a little too long figuring out what I had seen with him when I found pictures of handsome man Eddie Cibrian bare-chested in a scene for his role as Eddie Valetik in “Take Two”, then I worked knowing that I passionately chasing handsome stud when he appeared on “CSI: Miami” almost ten years ago!

Could he be another man with an Italian gene who never seems to age? Or, if he gets older, he seems to get hotter every year. Here I try to fight the bulge by exercising like a loon every time I eat a chip and this person looks very good at 45 years old. I clearly did something wrong, but I have the feeling to fix it. expensive personal trainers and nutritionists who certainly can’t afford it.

It’s okay, I just need to amuse myself by enjoying photos of Eddie Cibrian naked and sexy, just wearing a towel. It’s a good thing it’s not live because the will of a million viewers all mentally demanding he drop a towel might be too much to hold.

Unfortunately, he did not give up, but he stood there looking very sexy, making us all consider starting a letter writing campaign to get another shirtless scene with him in the next performance season.

Comments (0) Aug 24 2019